Greetings to all of you!!!!!
This was the home of CrystalWitch's Witchcraft,we are glad and sad to inform all of you great spirits that have visited our site from time to time,that we can no longer find the time to maintain the kind of homepage that we would like to give to you.So we decided to close up,at least for the time being.We appreciate all of the guestbook entries and you will eventually hear from us!However just because we are closing the site we are leaving this page to all of you who would like to talk to a couple of spirits following the spiral path of witchcraft.We would love to talk with all people who have if just for a split second stepped outside of what I term "THE BOX", and felt the heartbeat of all that was,all that is,and all that is to be.Please email us at SDDM@WEBTV.NET.
Fly High out on your limb of the tree
to experince YOUR truth and all that can be.
For the Good Of All,is the magick words
for the heartbeat of life can always be heard.
Send only that which you wish to have come,
That IS the path to GREAT wisdom.
Soar like the eagle and receive great sight,
watch closely the circles,
The patterns, both day and night.
Hold true this image both in and out,
like a mirror reflecting,there is no doubt.
Obstacles that bring pain,
are gateways to grow.
Listen to them and wisdom they will bestow.
No matter the obstalce,no matter the pain.
embrace the light and dark and be whole again.
For their purpose is clear,
waiting patiently inside,
if you will only hear.
Crystal Witch 2000